This page allows new titles to be registered. User added titles will be set to Pending Review, and changed to the Normal status by IFTA personnel after review. Follow these steps to register a new title with IFTA Collections:
- Launch the Title Management screen.
- Enter a Master Title Name.
- Similar titles will appear below the field, please avoid adding duplicate titles unless they are needed.
- Click Add New Master Title. You will be asked to confirm the title if it already exists.
- The screen will refresh with additional fields to enter.
- Fill out Title Name, Category, Type, and Seasons/Episodes (if entering a Serial title such as a series).
- Original Owner and Production Company need to be entered, and then selected from the drop down that appears. Use the mouse or arrow/enter keys to select one. New entries may be added with the Add button.
- Proceed to the Detail, Alt Titles & People, Identifiers, and Rights tabs to add other relevant information.
- Ensure that rights are added by clicking Add Rights on the Rights tab. At this time, they do not appear on the title screen until the title is saved.
This page allows new titles to be registered. User added titles will be set to Pending Review, and changed to the Normal status by IFTA personnel after review. Follow these steps to register a new title with IFTA Collections:
- Launch the Right Management screen.
- Enter the company that owns the right, making sure to select a specific entry from the drop down that appears with the arrow keys or mouse.
- Enter optional notes and the sign date for the right.
- Add right detail rows to the table by filling out all fields: country, medium, start date, end date (or perpetuity), language, percentage, and if the row is an exclusion or not. Click add to save the row.
- Right details may be modified by clicking the row ID. Save the row when finished making updates.
- After completing and saving all right detail modifications, click save. If a right detail is currently being modified, you will receive a warning